Marine environment and coastal management-POSTER SESSION

[CEST2019_00122] Storm identification and assessment of potential impacts in Rhodes Island, Greece
by Gad F.-K., Chatzinaki M., Vandarakis D., Kyriakidou Ch., Hatiris G.A., Kapsimalis V.

Coastal areas are threatened by extreme meteorological phenomena, such as wave storms. Τhe analysis of wave storms is a key element in coastal management, as providing information for the assessment of their potential hazards on shores. In this study, a classification of storm events in Rhodes Island, Greece, is presented by means of cluster analysis. Storms were defined in terms of significant wave height, peak period and duration which are the main parameters reflecting their intensity, and they were classified into five groups, namely I-weak, II-moderate, III-significant, IV-severe, V-extreme. An assessment of storm impacts on shores was also carried out in terms of flooding and wave run-up was estimated by applying an 1-DH numerical model (MIKE21 BW).

Poster presentation in Marine environment and coastal management-POSTER SESSION