The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard

5G millimeter wave technology offers advantages: "smart" homes, "smart" cities and autonomic automobiles. The price: a rise of 30-100% in exposure to electromagnetic radiation near citizens' homes and higher exposure levels inside homes. Scientists have declared current exposure levels not relevant to protect against health effects.1 Pregnant women, babies and children should be protected from chronic exposure of public source in the private home against their will. Electrohypersensitive individuals would be forced to leave their homes and become refugees.2 In Brussels as well as other cities, 5G has been halted due to health concerns.3

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 18:50 to 19:10
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard

Since the introduction of wireless technology, digital devices penetrated all strata of the society. Even children use mobile phones regularly and excessively long. Excessive use may be associated with behavioral changes and symptoms of addiction. We analyzed the available literature and define the fields to respond to the association of "screen time" and altered social behavior. There is academic discussion whether the problematic use of smartphones really fulfils all criteria for the diagnosis "Addiction". Considering addiction as a disorder with severe effects on physical and psychological health, it is clear, that the observed behavior has a similar presentation as addiction in terms of excessive use, impulsive control problems and negative consequences. In its socio-cultural context there is a need for research on the underlying neurobiology and mechanisms.

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 18:30 to 18:50
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard

Exposure to radio frequent electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) as emitted by mobile phones, can damage the cellular DNA. During the ATHEM in vitro research program we confirmed 1) genotoxic effects under some but not all conditions, 2) a latency period from start of exposure to first incidence, and 3) the role DNA repair. In human volunteers we found exposure associated genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in mucosal cells. The volunteers’ report on little or heavy mobile phone use and the findings in the individuals’ cell samples, point towards an accumulation of RF-EMF induced effects over time. Our data corroborate international reports on RF-exposure related DNA oxidation. We observed these exposure related DNA damages associated with activated specific DNA repair mechanisms. Repair failure results in permanent DNA damage, which increases the risk for cell transformation. We observed no acute adverse health effects, however, a potential long term risk can’t be excluded. The available data are not sufficient to redefine existing exposure limits to protect also from long term effects, the data call for risk management strategies to promote the safe use of the technology.

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 16:05 to 16:25
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard

New wireless technologies have been introduced to mankind without any certainty about potentially adverse effects, raising new challenges for medicine, public health and society. Meanwhile in almost every area of life, EMF exposure occurs. Various studies, empirical observations and patient reports clearly indicate interactions between EMF exposure and health problems. There is strong evidence that particularly long-term exposure to certain EMFs is a risk factor for diseases. Similarly, mobile communication-associated diseases, like addiction and orthopaedic disorders increase in frequency and severity over time. Therefore, it is important to carry out adequate assessments and to establish correct parameters for diagnosis. Prior to treatment we should mainly focus on prevention or reduction of EMF exposure in everyday life. Restoring a world without wireless communication is an illusion. It is a matter of propagating, precautions and rules for prudent handling and encouraging and motivating the people to use these technologies as a tool, that is, only when really needed. Furthermore, potentially harmful technologies can be replaced by the implementation of other technologies without loss of comfort with sometimes even faster data transmission, like fibre optic cables. Last but not least, the simplest and easiest strategy is to implement EMF-free zones and periods.

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 18:00 to 18:30
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard

The big bang of telecommunication applications that started a few decades ago has caused gradually an enormous increase of the electromagnetic pollution (smog) in the environment, the work place and home as well as the personal surrounding of every person. The daily use by people of wireless communication devices has increased exponentially, rising concerns regarding its potential health hazards.

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 16:25 to 16:45
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard

The Ramazzini Institute (RI) performed a life-span carcinogenic study on Sprague-Dawley rats to evaluate the carcinogenic effects of RFR in the situation of far field, reproducing the environmental exposure to RFR generated by 1.8 GHz GSM antenna of the radio base stations of mobile phone. Animals were exposed from prenatal life until natural death to a 1.8 GHz GSM far field of 0, 5, 25, 50 V/m with a whole-body exposure for 19 h/day. In 2018, we reported the final results regarding brain and heart tumors. A statistically significant increase in the incidence of heart Schwannomas was observed in treated male rats at the highest dose (50 V/m). Furthermore, an increase in the incidence of malignant glial tumors was observed in treated female rats at the highest dose (50 V/m), although not statistically significant. Furthermore, here we show for the first time the impact of the treatment on mean body weight of the F1 rats; results indicate a statistically significant decrease in group treated at 50 V/m during lactation period. Together with the recent NTP releases, findings from this study provide sufficient evidence to call for the reevaluation of IARC conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans.

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 16:45 to 17:15
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard

Exposure to EMF/RF is continuous, multiple, exponentially growing, affecting entire population actively and passively. Children because of wireless-enabled devices are continuously exposed. Potential health Impacts include oxidative stress, carcinogenicity, developmental neurotoxicity, effects on DNA, on fertility, Hypersensitivity, Cognitive impairments in learning and memory etc, well documented in peer reviewed studies and occurring at levels well below ICNIRP/Rec1999/519/EC limits. Human brain is especially susceptible and EMF/RF can cause irreversible damage during nervous system development. Because this technology is rather recent long-term effects have not yet been fully developed nor investigated. It is obvious that present generation of children are part of a big long-term experiment. What is the present status of scientific evidence against gaps/uncertainties and conflicting studies? Are there intrinsic factors explaining part of conflicting studies? Are we excused from applying precaution for serious and irreversible effects, because of uncertainties? What are the challenges in Risk Assessment/Management. The aim of the presentation is to provide an overview of the most recent scientific evidence regarding the above potential effects of EMF/RF especially on foetus and child, along with plausible mechanisms of action and interaction with human electrophysiology. Relevant challenges and dilemmas will be also discussed  

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 15:05 to 15:35
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard
[CEST2019_00048] Wireless Technology, the dangers beyond the sparkle
by Metsis T.

The paper presents briefly studies of various effects on people following the frenzy pace of the 21st century revealing various diseases, including cancer, autoimmune, autistic symptoms and other neurodegenerative syndromes as the international scientific society repeatedly confirms. It also deals with studies and health data in communities “keeping safe distance from electricity plus high-tech facilities” with different social connectivity that show to enjoy an impressive immunity record and exceptional health statistics compared to the former group.
These tallies with Nobel nominee Robert Becker’s predicting that electrical functions of the human body will struggle if needed to adjust and survive in a highly electrical environment with frequencies deviating strongly from Schumann resonance.
A close approach and further analysis of high radiation clusters in Greek towns in 2018 reveal pathogenic effects from this environmental contamination and predict an imminent population reduction / death rate changes plus an inevitable reduction in human activity and consumption burdened with soaring health costs if of course public health care will remain available.
Late legislation in various parts around the Globe plus many international efforts indicating strong global concern to arrest further deterioration of this environmental contamination is presented with a “time for action” analysis and proposal.

Session: 16, Room: D, at Thu, 09/05/2019 - 15:35 to 16:05
Oral presentation in The Non Ionizing radiation from Wireless technology: A 21 Century Revolution or a Global pollution and Health hazard