Scientific committee

Name Organizationsort descending Country
Prof Andrzejewski P. Adam Mickiewicz University Poland
Prof Tsiros I. Agricultural University of Athens Greece
Dr Pantera A. Agricultural University of Athens Greece
Dr Lambropoulou D. Aristole University of Thessaloniki Greece
Prof Kouimtzis Th. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Prof Bais A. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Dr Vagiona D. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Prof Latinopoulos P. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Dr Pozoukidou G. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Dr Latinopoulos D. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Prof Moussiopoulos N. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Prof Katsifarakis K.L. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Prof Mylopoulos I. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Prof. Dr Ternes T. Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde Germany
Dr Petreas M. California Environmental Protection Agency USA
Dr Gago-Ferrero P. Catalan Institute of Water Research Spain
Dr Lechon Y. Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT) Spain
Dr Plakas K. Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas (CERTH) Greece
Prof Castaldi M.J. City College New York USA
Dr Makris K. Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health Cyprus
Prof Hadjimitsis D. Cyprus University of Technology Cyprus
Prof Voudrias E. Democritus University of Thrace Greece
Dr Stamatelatou K. Democritus University of Thrace Greece
Dr Komilis D. Democritus University of Thrace Greece
Assoc Prof. Lekkas D.F. Department of Environment, University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Hollender J. Eawag Switzerland
Prof Dr Fenner K. Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology Switzerland
Dr Venables R. Environmental Crane Ltd. UK
Dr Panagiotakis I. ENYDRON Environmental Protection Services Greece
Dr Dimitriou-Christidis P. ESTEE SA Switzerland
Dr Metsis T. European Bioelectromagnetics Association Greece
Prof Siqueira Rodrigues M.A. Feevale University Brazil
Prof Trisunaryanti W. Gadjah Mada University Indonesia
Prof Jiang J.Q. Glasgow Caledonian University UK
Prof El Sergany M. Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University Dubai, UAE
Prof Lasaridi K. Harokopio University of Athens Greece
Prof Kalavrouziotis I. Hellenic Open University Greece
Dr Onof C. Imperial College London UK
Prof Voulvoulis N. Imperial College London UK
Prof Barceló D. Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) Spain
Dr Brdarić Dario International Federation of Environmental Health Croatia
Prof Baur F. IZES gGmbH Germany
Prof Dr Bahnemann D. Leibniz Universität Hannover Germany
Prof Dr Kümmerer K. Leuphana University Lüneburg Germany
Prof Thomaidis N. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
Dr Flocas H. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
Prof Dassenakis M. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
Prof Kallos G. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
Dr Falaras P. National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" Greece
Dr Michaelidou S. National Committee on Environment and Children's Health Cyprus
Dr Shalaby M.S. National Research Centre, Cairo Egypt
Dr Ramos M.-H. National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture France
Dr Noutsopoulos C. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Assimacopoulos Dion. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Tsihrintzis V. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Tsoukala V. National Technical University of Athens
Prof Baltas E. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Papadopoulou M. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Papassiopi N. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Hadjibiros K. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Loizidou M. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Lyberatos G. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Macropoulos C. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Mamais D. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Dermatas D. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Mandaraka M. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Diakoulaki D. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Karellas S. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Stamou A. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Andreadakis A. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Prof Koroneos Ch. National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr Rostkowski P. Norwegian Institute for Air Research Norway
Dr Thomas K. Norwegian Institute of Water Research Norway
Dr Zorpas A. Open University of Cyprus Cyprus
Prof Zanetti M. Polytechnic of Turin Italy
Prof Nzihou A. RAPSODEE Research Center (UMR CNRS 5302), Ecole des Mines Albi France
Prof Christodoulatos C. Stevens Institute of Technology USA
Dr Pechlivanidis I. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) Sweden
Dr Papaefthimiou S. Technical University of Crete Greece
Prof Gidarakos E. Technical University of Crete Greece
Dr Varouhakis E. Technical University of Crete Greece
Prof Lazaridis M. Technical University of Crete Greece
Dr Venieri D. Technical University of Crete Greece
Prof Chrysikopoulos C. Technical University of Crete Greece
Dr Xekoukoulotakis N. Technical University of Crete Greece
Prof Kalogerakis N. Technical University of Crete Greece
Prof Diamadopoulos E. Technical University of Crete Greece
Prof Karatzas G. Technical University of Crete Greece
Dr Arampatzis G. Technical University of Crete Greece
Dr Skiadas I. Technical University of Denmark
Prof Angelidaki I. Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Dr San Miguel G. Technical University of Madrid Spain
Dr Alvarez S. Technical University of Madrid Spain
Dr Gutierrez F. Technical University of Madrid Spain
Prof Rutschmann P. Technical University of Munich Germany
Prof Triantafyllou A.G. Technological Education Institute of West Macedonia Greece
Dr Manios T. Technological Educational Institute of Crete Greece
Dr Lydakis – Simantiris N. Technological Educational Institute of Crete - School of Applied Sciences Greece
Prof Messer H. Tel Aviv University Israel
Dr Biskos G. The Cyprus Institute Cyprus
Prof Li F. Tongji University China
Dr Wang C. Tsinghua University China
Prof Dr Lens P. Unesco - IHE, Delft The Netherlands
Dr Gomez A. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia
Dr Rincon S. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia
Prof Gutierrez-Martin F. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Spain
Dr Petrakopoulou F. University Carlos III of Madrid Spain
Dr Borrion A. University College of London UK
Prof Helmis C. University of Athens Greece
Prof Zerefos C. University of Athens Greece
Prof Thanos C. University of Athens Greece
Prof Nastos P. University of Athens Greece
Dr El-Hoz M. University of Balamand Lebanon
Prof Mancini I. University of Basilicata Italy
Prof Bekbolet M. University of Bogazici Turkey
Prof Wagener T. University of Bristol UK
Prof Aga D. University of Buffalo USA
Prof Dionysiou D. University of Cincinnati USA
Dr Weigand H. University of Cologne Germany
Prof Fthenakis V. University of Columbia USA
Prof Kanakidou M. University of Crete Greece
Prof Mihalopoulos N. University of Crete Greece
Dr Fatta- Kassinos D. University of Cyprus Cyprus
Prof Davis J. University of Florida USA
Dr Partzsch L. University of Freiburg Germany
Prof Kuchta K. University of Hamburg Germany
Dr Angelis-Dimakis A. University of Huddersfield UK
Prof Bartzokas A. University of Ioannina Greece
Prof Albanis T. University of Ioannina Greece
Dr Kassomenos P. University of Ioannina Greece
Dr Konstantinou I. University of Ioannina Greece
Dr Velis C. University of Leeds UK
Prof Habuda-Stanic M. University of Osijek Croatia
Prof Vagenas D. University of Patras Greece
Prof Varnavas S. University of Patras Greece
Prof Mantzavinos D. University of Patras Greece
Dr Karapanagioti H. University of Patras Greece
Prof Argiriou A. University of Patras Greece
Prof Almeida A. University of Porto Portugal
Prof Belgiorno V. University of Salerno Italy
Dr Cesaro A. University of Salerno Italy
Dr Zarra T. University of Salerno Italy
Dr Naddeo V. University of Salerno Italy
Prof Wheater H.S. University of Saskatchewan Canada
Prof Richardson S. University of South Carolina USA
Dr Fountoulakis M. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Gaganis P. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Golfinopoulos S. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Paraskevas P. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Velegrakis A. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Pavlogeorgatos G. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Lekkas T.D. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Haralambopoulos D. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Hasiotis T. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Petanidou T. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Pilinis C. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Kalantzi O. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Karantaneli M. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Dimitrakopoulos P. University of the Aegean Greece
Prof Karydis M. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Stasinakis A. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Nikolaou A. University of the Aegean Greece
Dr Ballesteros F.C. Jr. University of the Philippines Diliman Philippines
Dr Laspidou Ch. University of Thessaly Greece
Prof Vlachos N. University of Thessaly Greece
Prof Loukas A. University of Thessaly Greece
Dr Corona B. University of Utrecht The Netherlands
Prof Bartzis I. University of Western Macedonia Greece
Prof Dr Bervoets L. University of Antwerp Belgium
Dr Mosquera Losada M.R. USC Spain
Dr Kalfagianni A. Utrecht University The Netherlands
Dr Munoz R. Valladolid University Spain
Dr Neira M. World Health Organization (WHO)
Dr Higuchi Tor. Yamaguchi University Japan
Dr Cocca M.  Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) Italy
Dr Di Pace E.  Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) Italy
Prof Higuchi Tak.  Yamaguchi University Japan