Mr Johannes Lohaus


Mr Johannes Lohaus

General Secretary


Title of the speech: Challenges for a Sustainable Water Environment in Europe

Johannes Lohaus (59) is a civil engineer specialised in water resource management (German title: Bauassessor Dipl.-Ing.). After studying civil engineering at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, he first worked in a consulting office for waste management and then completed the preparatory service for the higher construction management service, which he completed as a construction assessor.

Johannes Lohaus is working for the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste e.V. (DWA) since 1988. In 2000, he was appointed as Deputy Managing Director, and since August 2004, he is the Managing Director of the DWA, which is one of Europe's largest non-profit water management associations. Furthermore, since October 2004 Johannes Lohaus is the Secretary General of the European Water Association (EWA), which is a non-governmental and non-profit making umbrella association representing more than 22 European countries and working for sustainable management of the total water cycle.  

Over the years, Johannes Lohaus has taken on a number of interdepartmental tasks of importance to the development of the water sector in general. He has been involved in standardization for years - at German (DIN), European (CEN) and worldwide (ISO) level. He has been invited to conduct keynotes at international level, for example in Japan, Russia and the USA, and he works actively on elaborating comments to legal and political water initiatives on German as well as on European level.

Personally, Johannes Lohaus is happily married and has two children.

Johannes Lohaus may be contacted at email: